How to run IPSAT?
PLOT menu
    Time series
Statistics menu
    Trapped particles
    Untrapped particles
Data/models menu
    Compare w AE8/AP8 
Data base menu
    Data coverage
    Data description
? menu
    On-line registration 
    About IPSAT


IPSAT stands for Ionising Particle in SPace Analysis tool.
The primary goal of IPSAT is to provide an easy and a friendly way to analyse and visualize in-situ measurements from various sources. IPSAT is NOT a resource to download any data but just allows to plot the data in different format.

The access to any IPSAT module is restricted. An access must be provided by the author (S. Bourdarie, ONERA) and is subject to the ONERA and CNES acceptance. The access to IPSAT modules is controlled by a user login + IP address identification.

A list and description of data available through IPSAT is listed in the "data description" module. The philosophy of IPSAT is to allow users to plot only data they have right for, i.e. an agreement between the PI, ONERA and the applicant must be reached for any given data set. As a summary each users have a profile where a list of spacecraft accessible is defined .

Several modules are now developped, the possibilities offered are described below module by module.

How to run IPSAT?

IPSAT is compliant with Mozilla, Firefox, Netscape, Internet Explorer 7 and Opera web browsers, thought IPSAT has been intensively tested under Mozilla and Firefox web browsers. For any other browser there are no garanties that it is running nicely! Note that IPSAT is running under Internet Explorer 6 but with some limitation (time out issues), this is solved with IE7.

IPSAT web interface is developed in php and JavaScript. Before running IPSAT you have to make sure that your browser allows JavaScript (This is necessary for example on Mozilla web browser you have to go to preferences then advanced then scripts and pluggins and select activate JavaScript for the browser). Next popup must be allowed for this web site.

Plot menu

The plot menu display two sub-menu, Cartography and Time series. Their respective functionalities are described below.


This module allows to plot for a given spacecraft the data contained in files in color map within a user defined time range. Any data present in the file can be selected on the X, Y or Z axes. Data are binned in X and Y and averaged over the time period.
This module allows to do a:
Note that the access to this module is restricted.

Time series

This module allows to compose plots from various spacecraft/data versus a common axes: the time. All data series are synchronyzed in times and can be therefore easily compared (see example).
This module allows to do a plot composed of:
Note that the access to this module is restricted.



This module allows to plot correlation of any flux measurements done on a given spacecraft versus any flux measurements done on another given spacecraft (or the same one). This is very usefull to determine weather a channel is contaminated or not and how is this channel contaminated (see example). Note that the access to this module is restricted.


The plot menu display two sub-menu, Trapped particles and Untrapped particles. Their respective functionalities are described below.

Trapped particles

This module allows to find conjunction between two spacecraft under user defined conditions and then plot the two spectrum. This is very usefull to cross calibrate two instruments. Note that the access to this module is restricted.

Untrapped particles

This module allows to plot correlation of any proton flux measurements done at high L shells on a given spacecraft versus proton flux measurements done on another given spacecraft. The way this is done is the following: the channel selected on the first spacecraft is computed on the second spacecraft interpolating between its measurements. This is very usefull to cross calibrate two instruments based on solar particle events. (see example). Note that the access to this module is restricted.


Compare w AE8/AP8

This module allows the user to get a direct comparison between in-situ data and AE8 or AP8. The use of this module allows to fly a spacecraft (available in the database) in the NASA model and plot the result in the same format Cartography would do with data (see example).
Note that the access to this module is restricted

This module allows the user to get a direct comparison between in-situ data and CRRESELE or CRRESPRO. The use of this module allows to fly a spacecraft (available in the database) in the AFRL model and plot the result in the same format Cartography would do with data (see example).
Note that the access to this module is restricted


Data coverage

This module allows the user to get informations on data time coverage along different orbit (LEO, HEO, GEO, ...) on the CRATERRE web site. Note that the access to this module is open to public.
Data description

This module allows the user to get informations on available data on the CRATERRE web site. A description of the data sets is provided. Note that the access to this module is open to public.

? menu


This web page.
On-line registration

To access IPSAT sofware to have to register first. This link offer an on-line registration form.

More about IPSAT !!